Grape harvest

The harvest is the highlight of the year at the vineyard. The period leading up to the harvest is very nerve-wracking and exciting. At the same time, the feeling when the harvest is in is fantastic, and you experience relief.

Harvesting at Årø Vingård is a truly unique event where our harvesting team comes to help us with the harvest. The harvesting team consists of volunteer individuals who find it exciting and cozy to assist with the harvest. During the harvest, there is a cozy atmosphere with pickers sitting in pairs on each side of the vine rows, chatting while grapes are cut off with scissors and filled into buckets. We always take a good lunch break at midday, and the day always ends with a small glass of wine while the day's harvest yield is read out. Meet Lise, one of our regular pickers, in the video.

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If you would like to participate as a picker at Årø Vingård, please contact us: click here